How much longer do you want to keep running against the wind, held back from REAL RESULTS?

Every day that you wait is one more day of pushing the same rock up the same mountain year after year. 

Here’s how to STOP that madness:

STEP ONE: Sign up NOW and receive:
  • Full digital coursework designed to teach you how to onboard new parents in a way that builds trust, inspires generosity, and resources your school with the tools and technology needed to impact the next generation for God’s Kingdom.
  • Downloads and resources to help you implement the strategies taught throughout the course

You’ll receive an amazing BONUS RESOURCE that literally charts out what to focus on every quarter for your next 18 months!


CONGRATULATIONS on taking this important step in growing your school’s Culture of Generosity!

STEP THREE : Email Kim to let her know what you’re most looking forward to in this course! She can’t wait to connect with you!

Meet Kim Jennings, CFRE

Advancement Strategist

Kim Jennings, CFRE is a fundraising and communications coach and consultant to leaders in K-12 Christian schools across the U.S. 

She spent nearly 20 years serving in nonprofits, more than a decade of that as a director and front-line fundraiser in faith-based schools. 

Now, Kim’s mission is to empower every Christian school leader to have the fundraising results they need and the peace of mind they deserve. 

Have questions? Connect with Kim.